1) 4-5-1 V-style, attacking, both flank, own half, short passes, zonal with counter-attacks
вторник, 3 февраля 2015 г.
1) 4-1-3-2
Red arrows on DL/DR Team Orders: Mentality: Defensive, Focus Passing: Through the Middle, Pressing: Own Half, Passing: Long, Marking: Zonal, Counter Attack: Yes, Offside Trap: No.
Red arrows on DL/DR Team Orders: Mentality: Defensive, Focus Passing: Through the Middle, Pressing: Own Half, Passing: Long, Marking: Zonal, Counter Attack: Yes, Offside Trap: No.
1) 4-5-1 V-style play normal, focus passing down both flank, pressing own-half, mixed passing style, counter attack and red arrow DL, DR, AMR, AML.
2) 4-1-4-1 with normal playing, down both flank, mixed style, pressing own-half, counter attack and red arrow 4 player in both flanks.
2) 4-1-4-1 with normal playing, down both flank, mixed style, pressing own-half, counter attack and red arrow 4 player in both flanks.
1) 3W-4-3 with attacking mentality, offside trap, pressure whole pitch, short passing, down both flanks.
2) 4-4-2 classic.
3) 3W-5-2flat
2) 4-4-2 classic.
3) 3W-5-2flat
3W-5-2 V-style
1) 3-2-2-2-1 Butterfly Normal mentality, down both flanks, own half, mixed passing, normal/hard tackling, zonal marking.
1) 4-5-1 V-style
Mentality: Normal__Passing style: Mixed__Focus passing: Down both flanks__Pressing: Own half__Force Counter attack: Yes__Offside trap: No__Marking: Zonal marking
Mentality: Normal__Passing style: Mixed__Focus passing: Down both flanks__Pressing: Own half__Force Counter attack: Yes__Offside trap: No__Marking: Zonal marking
1) 3-2-2-2-1 Butterflywith normal mentality, down both flanks, own half, mixed passing and yes counter attack.
2) 4-4-2 classic with same order, and also up to dl/dr/ml/mr.
2) 4-4-2 classic with same order, and also up to dl/dr/ml/mr.
воскресенье, 1 февраля 2015 г.
4-2-2-2 Hexagon
1) 4-4-2 Narrow diamond (dl-dc-dc-dr, dmc, 2mc, amc, 2 st) Normal mentality, attack from the middle, mix passing, own half, zonal marking, no counter attack/offside trap
2) 3N-1-4-2
3) 4-4-2 Classic
4) 4-5-1 V-Style
5) 3-4-3
2) 3N-1-4-2
3) 4-4-2 Classic
4) 4-5-1 V-Style
5) 3-4-3
1) 3n-1-3w-1-2 - normal mentality, mixed passing, mixed focus, own half, zonal, hard tackling, yes counter, no offside. red arrows on AMC and STs
2) 3n-1-3n-2w-1 - attacking, down both flanks, mixed, zonal, own half, no counter, yes offside. red arrows on AML/R and STs
3) 3n-1-4-2 - attacking, down both flanks, mixed/long, whole pitch, zonal, yes offside, no counter. red arrows on ML/MR and STs
4) 4-3N-2(AML/AMR)-1
5) 4-5-1 V-Style
2) 3n-1-3n-2w-1 - attacking, down both flanks, mixed, zonal, own half, no counter, yes offside. red arrows on AML/R and STs
3) 3n-1-4-2 - attacking, down both flanks, mixed/long, whole pitch, zonal, yes offside, no counter. red arrows on ML/MR and STs
4) 4-3N-2(AML/AMR)-1
5) 4-5-1 V-Style
1) 4-5-1 V-style
2) 3-5V-2 red forward arrow on DMC and blue defense arrows on both MC.
3) 4-4-2 Classic
2) 3-5V-2 red forward arrow on DMC and blue defense arrows on both MC.
3) 4-4-2 Classic
1) 3N-1-4-2attack,flanks,shortpass,normaltacle ,zon, red arrow on your MR/ML.
2) 3n-5-2 V-style (3n-1dmc-2mc's-aml,amr-2st's) blue arrows 3 dc's and red arrows dmc,aml,amr, 2 st'snormal,flanks,own half,normal tacklin,mixed passes,zone,counter attack yes,offside trap no
3) 4-5-1 v style");
2) 3n-5-2 V-style (3n-1dmc-2mc's-aml,amr-2st's) blue arrows 3 dc's and red arrows dmc,aml,amr, 2 st'snormal,flanks,own half,normal tacklin,mixed passes,zone,counter attack yes,offside trap no
3) 4-5-1 v style");
1) 4-1-2-1-2 Attacking ment, through centre, whole pitch, short passes , zonal, offside on. Red arrows on amc, dr, dl, dmc .
2) 4-5-1 V-style with both flanks
3) 4-3N-2(AML/AMR)-1
2) 4-5-1 V-style with both flanks
3) 4-3N-2(AML/AMR)-1
1) 4-5-1 V-style formation with Attacking mentality,mixed passes down both flanks,pressing own half,no counter-attacks,no offside traps.
2) 3N-1-4-2
2) 3N-1-4-2
1) 3-5-2 play attacking with passing down the flanks, mixed passing style and pressing your own half with counter attacks on.
2) 4-1-4-1
2) 4-1-4-1
This formation has a fatal flaw in the form of not having any wingers. To beat it, exploit this major weakness by focusing your attack on the flanks while defending your middle. Here’s a few examples of formations that do exactly that:
1) 3-1-3-2-1
2) 4-1-4-1
3) 3-3-2-2
The exact formation is up to you, but keep this in mind: a) Always attack the flanks with either ML/MR with red arrows or AML/AMR_b)Use at least 2 DC’s_c)Use at least 2 MC’s_d)The combined number of your Defenders+DMC’s+MC’s must be 6 or higher._e) MC’s+ML/MR must be 4 or higher._Tactics against 4-3-3._4-3-3 is an attacking formation, so you can either play offside trap with very fast defenders while pressing the whole pitch, or a more defensive counter-attacking way while pressing your own half._Most formations able to easily beat 4-3-3 will be heavy in the midfield, as such, use short passing if playing offensively and mixed passing when trying to counter attack.
1) 3-1-3-2-1
2) 4-1-4-1
3) 3-3-2-2
The exact formation is up to you, but keep this in mind: a) Always attack the flanks with either ML/MR with red arrows or AML/AMR_b)Use at least 2 DC’s_c)Use at least 2 MC’s_d)The combined number of your Defenders+DMC’s+MC’s must be 6 or higher._e) MC’s+ML/MR must be 4 or higher._Tactics against 4-3-3._4-3-3 is an attacking formation, so you can either play offside trap with very fast defenders while pressing the whole pitch, or a more defensive counter-attacking way while pressing your own half._Most formations able to easily beat 4-3-3 will be heavy in the midfield, as such, use short passing if playing offensively and mixed passing when trying to counter attack.
1) 4-4-2 Classic No arrow attack & defense_Order: mixed, own half, hard, mixed, zonal
Forces counter attack_No offside
2) 4-5-1 V-Style
Forces counter attack_No offside
2) 4-5-1 V-Style
1) Butterfly: 3N-2W-2N-2W-1, attack down the flanks and mixed passing. Press own half. No need for counter or offside.
2) 3W-1-4-1-1
3) 5-2MC-2(AML/AMR)-1
2) 3W-1-4-1-1
3) 5-2MC-2(AML/AMR)-1
1) 3N-2N-4-1 (with red arrow on wingers and blue arrows in 3 DC )
2) 3N-2N-2-2W-1 (same arrows order for DC but remove red arrows on wingers to let them track the ball and thus keep possession ), defend (or normal later on the game or start with normal if you want a win)- counter, both flanks, long pass if 3N-2N-4-1 or mix if 3N-2N-2-2W-1, own half, normal (or easy if u r scared of a red card - start normally with easy and see how restricted ref is as some are fast to give you cards including reds), for 2 DMC, add blue arrows if you feel opposite are having many chances or want to close the game .. add red arrows if you are losing possession as it make them join attack and you will create more chances personally will leave them with no arrows till see how it goes during the match
2) 3N-2N-2-2W-1 (same arrows order for DC but remove red arrows on wingers to let them track the ball and thus keep possession ), defend (or normal later on the game or start with normal if you want a win)- counter, both flanks, long pass if 3N-2N-4-1 or mix if 3N-2N-2-2W-1, own half, normal (or easy if u r scared of a red card - start normally with easy and see how restricted ref is as some are fast to give you cards including reds), for 2 DMC, add blue arrows if you feel opposite are having many chances or want to close the game .. add red arrows if you are losing possession as it make them join attack and you will create more chances personally will leave them with no arrows till see how it goes during the match
4-1-2-1-2 Wide Diamond
1) 4-1-4-1 (mr& ml red arrows), flanks attack, the rest at normal.
2) 3n-5-2 flat ST-ST ML-MC-MC(up)-MC-MR DC-DC-DC ATT mentality_Middle _Own half_no offside_no counter_Mixed passing_Normal Tackling
3) If your team has the same quality use3n-1-4-2._If his team is better you can use 3-1-4-1-1._If his team is very-very stronger than yours, try 3-1-5-1, ever atacking in middle.
2) 3n-5-2 flat ST-ST ML-MC-MC(up)-MC-MR DC-DC-DC ATT mentality_Middle _Own half_no offside_no counter_Mixed passing_Normal Tackling
3) If your team has the same quality use3n-1-4-2._If his team is better you can use 3-1-4-1-1._If his team is very-very stronger than yours, try 3-1-5-1, ever atacking in middle.
4-4-2 Classic
1) 3N-4-1-2
2) 4-5-1 V-Style
3) 3-2-2-2-1 Butterfly
4) 4-3-1-2. 4 defenders (DL - DC - DC - DR), 3 midfielders (MC), 1 attacking midfielder (AMC) and 2 strikers. With defensive team mentality, focus passing through the middle, pressing style own half, tackling style normal, passing style mixed, marking style zonal and checked both forced counter attack and offside trap.
2) 4-5-1 V-Style
3) 3-2-2-2-1 Butterfly
4) 4-3-1-2. 4 defenders (DL - DC - DC - DR), 3 midfielders (MC), 1 attacking midfielder (AMC) and 2 strikers. With defensive team mentality, focus passing through the middle, pressing style own half, tackling style normal, passing style mixed, marking style zonal and checked both forced counter attack and offside trap.
4-5-1 V-Style
4-5-1 V-style is one of the most versatile formations. It can easily become defensive or offensive with the change of a few arrows. A great jack of all trades, but it’s lack of defensive wingers can be exploited.When playing against 4-5-1 V, you need to protect your flanks and attack the opponent’s. Forget about attacking the middle, it’s that simple. Keep in mind that 4-5-1 V-style is most often played with counter-attacking orders, so you don’t want to overdo your attacks. Use normal or defensive mentality and press your own half.As always, when playing against a midfield formation, you need to have at least as many midfielders as the opponent.
1) 4-3N-3attack mixed, hard tackling, mixed passing style, rest remained default w/o counter or offside trap.
2) 4-3-2W-1
3) 5-4-1
1) 4-3N-3attack mixed, hard tackling, mixed passing style, rest remained default w/o counter or offside trap.
2) 4-3-2W-1
3) 5-4-1
суббота, 31 января 2015 г.
1) 4-3-1-2 Narrow attacking mentality, short passing through the middle, zonal, own half.
2) 4-1-3-2, or, extremely offensive and play 3-1-3-1-2.
3) 3n-0-3n-2w-2(3DC 3MC AML/AMR 2ST)
2) 4-1-3-2, or, extremely offensive and play 3-1-3-1-2.
3) 3n-0-3n-2w-2(3DC 3MC AML/AMR 2ST)
1) 3-5-2
2) 4-4-2 classic attacking, half pitch, flanks, short pass, zonal, with red arrows only on ml, mr
3) 4-2-3-1
with arrow up on ST, AML, AMC, AMR, and MC.For order use attacking mentality, short passing, mixed attacking focus, normal tackling, zonal marking and offside trap
2) 4-4-2 classic attacking, half pitch, flanks, short pass, zonal, with red arrows only on ml, mr
3) 4-2-3-1
with arrow up on ST, AML, AMC, AMR, and MC.For order use attacking mentality, short passing, mixed attacking focus, normal tackling, zonal marking and offside trap
1) 3-5-2 and 4-4-2 work 90% of the times.
2) If you have a better team, 4-5-1 V might work.
3) 4-1-4-1 worked so far.
2) If you have a better team, 4-5-1 V might work.
3) 4-1-4-1 worked so far.
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